Technology and Comfort

If you’ve been nervous about past dental visits elsewhere, you will relax at Dr. Waldron’s office. If you need anesthesia during your visit, Dr. Waldron will use the Wand, a computer-assisted anesthesia system that provides injections so effortlessly, many patients call them “pain-free.”

The Wand creates a much more efficient visit, reduced anxiety, and greater satisfaction for you.

Dr. Waldron also uses a digital x-ray process which uses up to 90% less radiation and immediately provides sharp, accurate images of your teeth for a more accurate diagnosis.

Dr. Waldron provides greater peace of mind

If you are anxious about your visit, Dr. Waldron may use “Progressive Relaxation” to help you feel physically and emotionally relaxed.

All procedures are performed with your comfort in mind. You’ll have access to comfy pillows and you may choose to listen to your favorite music on headphones while Dr. Waldron is caring for your smile.

Dr. Waldron maintains her office cleanliness and sterilization standards at a level that meet or exceed the highest levels of dental safety. Her office is fully accessible and meets all the requirements of the American’s with Disabilities Act.

Make an appointment with Dr. Waldron today by calling (732) 431-1919 or complete this form to contact her online.